Reference Projects

some projects in my career

2018 : FICAP at Pomacle – France – In progress

2017 : Suiker Unie at Dinteloord – The Netherlands


2017 : DCP plant – India – FEED contract signed


                                               Signature of the contract

2016 – 2017 : DCP plant – France


2011 – 2015 : Bio-ethanol plant – Sierra Leone


2008 : Tank Farm – Belgium                           Bio-diesel plant – Belgium


Vopak                                                                                   Bio-Wanze

2007 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – SHUQAIQ

2006 : “De Eendracht” – Dismantle factory in the Netherlands and reconstruct in Egypt

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is signature-de-Eendracht.jpg

2005 – 2006 :  Inuline plant – Chile





Datacenter – Zurich / Switzerland                 Signature of the contract


1994 – 1996 : Trans European Information Systems